Minggu, 08 November 2009

Nowaday Life

Lollipops turn into cigarettes. The innocent ones turn into sluts. Soda becomes vodka. Kisses turn into sex. And that's how we grow up.

I found this from one of my friend's status in facebook ofcourse. Got me thinking... well it's true. I'm not dumb or innocent, atleast I know what's going on. Alhamdulillah I'm not close to any of those bold words up there. I have to admit I'm scared because you never know what tomorrow will bring you. I never knew that one day people would only define you 'COOL' by doing or tasting all those stuff. I never knew that those kind of stuff would be a daily thing to some people. I never knew that today I'd be near one of those people. I never knew coming home late night would be cool too. I never knew that going out on a saturday night would be a must-thing to do. Call me conservative, I dont mind.

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