posting everyday, must be in the mood of a blog-newbie...
Hmm.. anyway I think no matter how tough the day goes by, nothing matters if you've got a friend like Ben hehe. Alhamdulillah I've got mine. I can always call 'Ben' when I'm facing any problems. He'd be there listening and giving me advise, smart ones because sometimes girls just dont use their logic, just being pure emotional. He'd be there late night (because he sleeps during the day haha) but sometimes not because I guess he sleeps both day and night..
Anyhow, it's always good to know you have someone who can tell what you've done wrong and how to fix it. I wish I could be like 'Ben' instead of the one who seeks for advise. Fasting month is up, I guess its time for me to apologize to everyone for every wrong doing. Sorry I'm truly, truly sorry by the way.. Lets start from the beginning, lets reborn hehe.

P.S: Thank you 'Ben' :)
Quote of the Day: "One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives."- Euripides
Recommended Movie: Hannah Montana the Movie (hehehe)
Hmm.. anyway I think no matter how tough the day goes by, nothing matters if you've got a friend like Ben hehe. Alhamdulillah I've got mine. I can always call 'Ben' when I'm facing any problems. He'd be there listening and giving me advise, smart ones because sometimes girls just dont use their logic, just being pure emotional. He'd be there late night (because he sleeps during the day haha) but sometimes not because I guess he sleeps both day and night..
Anyhow, it's always good to know you have someone who can tell what you've done wrong and how to fix it. I wish I could be like 'Ben' instead of the one who seeks for advise. Fasting month is up, I guess its time for me to apologize to everyone for every wrong doing. Sorry I'm truly, truly sorry by the way.. Lets start from the beginning, lets reborn hehe.

P.S: Thank you 'Ben' :)
Quote of the Day: "One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives."- Euripides
Recommended Movie: Hannah Montana the Movie (hehehe)